Lowers Risk Of Cancer Researchers have found that moderate to vigorous physical activity reduces the risk of cancer and chronic diseases. Physical activity should be vigorous enough to make you…
Category: Health
CiPA Assay in Medical Research
A CiPA assay or the “Comprehensive in vitro Proarrhythmia Assay” is a laboratory test that measures five components of blood and a single cardiac cycle. It helps physicians keep their…
How to Use Social Media in a Healthy Way
Identify your intent. There are many different purposes and intents for using social media. For instance, you can use it for marketing, to communicate with friends and family, or to…
A Guide to An Active Lifestyle
The active lifestyle has many benefits, but it can also be very harmful if not well managed. The most common “active” lifestyle is exercise, which involves a certain amount of…
The Health Benefits of Exercise
Exercise and physical activity can help you control your weight naturally. Regular physical activity can reduce your triglyceride and blood pressure levels. It can also decrease your risk of heart…
Hosting CPanel Benefits To Liverpool
Liverpool as a city has always been incredibly important to the overall way which people look upon the city of England. Far too often, scousers are looked upon as the…
Hacks to Help You Get Rid of a Stubborn Cold
Cold and flu season can be brutal, especially if you have a stubborn cold that won’t leave. Here are some of the best hacks for getting rid of a cold;…
How to Stay Healthy This Winter
Winter has engulfed us once more in freezing showers, grey clouds and dark days. Although there are a lot of festivities to be had and social occasions to enjoy this…
Improving Your Fitness & Wellbeing Will Make You More Successful
Unfortunately, there are no miracles when it comes to losing weight. Instead of hoping and dreaming it may be time for you to create a fitness programme that will improve…