Blood tests are done to keep track of the physical health and check whether there are any abnormalities. They are essential to maintain a certain level of components in your body and to keep everything within the normal functioning range. Most often a doctor will ask for blood tests after a physical examination or after discovering your symptoms. Either way, our blood can tell a lot about our bodies and can suggest where we should look more closely and what it lacks.
Hence, blood tests mostly tell us about the body’s condition and organs. If they are working correctly, then blood tests will come out normal; otherwise, these tests could point to the existence of a specific disease. Some can indicate whether the course of a specific medication is showing any results and help make further decisions.
Blood tests can indicate diseases like diabetes, HIV, and hepatitis. Others show the functioning of organs like the liver, kidney, thyroid, etc.

Five most essential blood tests
Men’s health test helps to verify the health state and body normality. The results should be treated very carefully as any minor deviation can prove life-threatening.
It is referred to as the complete blood count test. It measures the amount of specific and significant components of blood. For example, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are seen through it and then compared to the actual or the normal range that should be present in males.
If the white cells are found to be in a bigger quantity, it could indicate infection, and platelet abnormality can signify a blood disorder. Furthermore, the amount of haemoglobin is also measured through this test, which is a very widely spread practice.
CRP is a C- reactive protein test that is majorly caused due to inflammation. This test checks for signs of any bacterial or viral infection and the possibility of an auto-immune disorder.
The liver makes this protein, and if it is present in a large amount, it can be an alarming sign of cancer, smoking, liver damage, or any physical trauma. Therefore, males who smoke or drink should get it checked after regular intervals.

Coagulation profile
It is primarily a measure of the clotting time of blood. How much faster can your blood clot. It includes PT time and fibrinogen levels in your blood.
It is essential that if you have an injury, then after some time, your blood should clot to avoid blood loss. But if a lump is formed in your veins or arteries, it could cause a heart attack. In addition, it can check liver conditions, leukaemia, and vitamin K deficiency.
Sexually transmitted diseases tests
Men are more likely to have extramarital affairs and more than one partner at a time, and that is why this test is on this list of important men’s health tests. Sometimes a blood sample is not enough, and as an alternative but sometimes in conjunction with a swab of the infected area or urine is also taken.
Lipid panel test
This one can determine whether men have a high level of cholesterol or not. Therefore, as we know, high cholesterol can later cause heart attacks and other problems, so men, in general, need to keep it under control.

Last Words
The above-discussed men’s health tests are essential for men that want to keep track of their health and ensure their bodies are working well. If they keep them checked and balanced, they can live happier and healthier lives.

Ethan is a versatile writer dedicated to offering readers valuable tips, how-to articles, and up-to-date news insights.